Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sugar and Spice

My friends tried to tell me.  I listened and I thought I understood, but there is no possible way to comprehend how quickly you can fall in love with your own grandbaby.  It’s a little like the love I felt each time one of my own children were born, but different because someone I love so much just gave birth to another person for us to love.  It is like the love is magnified. There really is no way to explain.
This sweet baby girl has stolen our hearts.

We think she is darling and perfect in every way. She has the cutest little “kissy lips”, squishy little cheeks, and bright eyes. She has the sweetest face we’ve ever seen. We spent hours last week just staring at her and asking ourselves how a newborn could be so stinkin’ cute. 

I have no doubt that every grandparent feels this way.  Life just doesn’t get better than this.