Sunday, October 13, 2013

Conference Weekend

Last weekend it was conference, one of my favorite weekends of the year. 

How lucky we are to be able to stay at home and be instructed on how we can be happier, have more peace in our lives, and be a little better.  I always come away recharged but also feeling like I have so much to do...which is really not a bad thing.
The last several conference weekends we have spent in SLC, but this time we stayed at home and Heather, Nick, and Maylee were able to join us.  It made me realize how blessed we are and that no matter where we are, conference is wonderful...but it is even more wonderful when you spend it with family.  

Sometimes in the past we have a little trouble staying awake through all 8+ hours of talks.  Putting together a puzzle while we listened helped most of us stay alert.

Saturday morning we made some yummy cinnamon rolls and later we dipped caramel apples to have for a treat after the guys came home from priesthood. 

It really spoke to my heart when  Elder Hales reminded us that we gathered to hear the words of the Lord, now we are to return to our homes to live them.  That is what I intend to do.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Better Than Expected

After a seven year hiatus, we got around to planting a vegetable garden again.  We talked about doing it each year, then the spring would get away from us and before we knew it, it would be too late.  Not this year.

In early spring our neighbor brought us a load of sheep manure so we revved up our tiller and planted. 

And we are so glad that we did. 

Ray set up a drip system and we only had to weed the garden twice!

Our garden grew like crazy. 

We have eaten (and shared with our neighbors) lots and lots of tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, melons, corn, carrots, and beans.

I found a recipe for ratatouille and made it with pretty much all of the ingredients coming from our garden!  It was yummy...although it didn't look so pretty.

Our garden is almost done producing and we 're pretty sad about it. Why can't summer/fall last just a little longer...