We had the opportunity to go to San Antionio for a few days. We had been there a few years ago and were looking forward to experiencing the fun of that city again. It turned out to be even more fun than we anticipated.
On the evening we arrived there was a NBA playoff game. We didn't think much about it and I fell asleep early while Ray was checking his emails, etc. Not long after I was awakened by the sound of honking horns. I asked Ray what in the world was going on, and he guessed the Spurs must have won their game. Cars, semis, trains, anything with a horn seemed to be honking,honking, honking, and it went on for a couple of hours! It finally stopped just after 1 a.m. It was kind of annoying, but on the otherhand it made the trip a bit more of an adventure and something we'll remember. Kind of crazy that is how they celebrate just a playoff win. Can't begin to imagine what it would be like if they win they the championship.
The next afternoon Ray had some time off from meetings and we signed up for Segway city tour. In all of our travels we had never riden a Segway before and thought it sounded like fun. This was all fine and dandy until someone at our lunch table Googled "Segway" and informed us that the inventor of the Segway was killed in a Segway accident when he drove it off a cliff and into a river. Not even joking! This was a little concerning to me as I knew we were to be riding our Segways along a hilly part of the Riverwalk...
We arrived at "Seg in the City" (haha) and were given some instruction. I thought there would be a throttle for gas and some hand brakes, but to my surprise a Segway has neither. The way you get a Segway to work it to lean. Lean forward and it goes. Lean back and it slows and balance on it to stop. And you steer it kind of like using a joystick. Luckily our guide was a really good teacher and everyone in our group did well with only a couple of incidents involving the curb...luckily it was neither of us.
I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to wanting to try new things at my age, but this experience gave me confidence that you can teach an old dog...
It was a ton of fun and I can't stop thinking how much fun it would be to do someday with all of our kids.