Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Heist

Someone stole ALL of the pumpkins from our street last weekend-4 days before Halloween! What’s up with that?  In the past you’ve only had to worry about bringing in your jack-o-lantern early on Halloween night if you didn’t want it hauled off.  

I am pretty sure whoever took that 30 pound pumpkin off our porch must have needed it more than we did.  I was even a little relieved when I realized that meant I wouldn’t have to spend an evening scooping all those pumpkin guts or come up with a creative way to carve it.   I bought that pumpkin not because I love Halloween, but because it seemed the right thing to do.   That’s what grownups do.  Sometimes they pretend to love a holiday even when they don’t.  My kids would have been so proud.

This reminds me of another Halloween when the kids were young and we had the coolest pumpkins ever.  We had turned our pumpkins into a perfectly stacked jack-o-lantern totem pole.   It was awesome!  As a matter of fact it was so awesome someone snuck it off our porch prematurely that Halloween too.  We lit it and set it out when the first trick or treaters arrived and our pumpkin stack disappeared within a few minutes.  It was there when we answered the door and then one or two of minutes later when the next group rang the doorbell it was gone.  Only that time we were sad to lose our pumpkins.

So remember when you drive through a neighborhood tonight and it looks like a bunch of Halloween Scrooges live there because there are no jack-o- lanterns, don’t judge them.  Some pumpkin burglars are probably to blame.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Good News!!!

I am quite tired of watching the news.  With the upcoming presidential campaign it seems all that is on the news are negative things about the candidates and it is getting old.  It has even gotten to the point that I am starting to despise some of the news anchors that I used to really really like. 

But the other day this story in the news caught my attention:

This isn't "new" news, as the results of this study actually came out last March, but for some reason it was in the news this week.  Hearing this made my day :) and gave me a little faith that maybe things in the world aren't quite as bad as I have been thinking.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Peace of Mind

October is breast cancer awareness month.  You cannot go anywhere without seeing an ocean of bright pink trying to bring this to our attention. 
Obedient soul that I am, and thanks to my mother's example, I have always been faithful about getting my exams.  Apparently my friends and neighbors don't all feel the same because for years Utah has had the second lowest rate of mammograms in the country.  
I don't think about it often, but I do during October, because I really could be the poster girl for early detection.  About this time 4 years ago I was diagnosed with an early stage breast cancer (DCIS- the same kind of cancer Ann Romney had).  Luckily it was discovered and treated while it was small.  It is one of those cancers that is 99% curable when found early, but had I not gone in for a routine mammogram that cancer might have grown inside me for years into something really bad before I would have felt it in a self-exam.  Unfortunately, going to get that mammogram caused me to have a lumpectomy, a mastectomy, and breast reconstruction with a tissue expander and implants.  I even had some complications that required the removal of the implant, being completely flat chested on one side for months, and then going through the entire reconstruction process over again.  It was frustrating and it required a lot of patience, but I still feel fortunate because that mammogram may have saved my life.
Everyone thinks it won't happen to them especially if they have no risk factors.  Not true...I did not have a single one of them, except my gender. 
This experience has turned me into a bit of a mammogram bully.  I have little patience for women who make excuses to not go in for a mammogram.  I am always shocked at the intelligent women my age who will announce to their friends that they have not had a mammogram for several years...or ever, and seem proud of it.   It's all I can do to not grab these women by the shoulders and shake them while saying, "Are you crazy?"  Then I stop and say a silent prayer while I gently suggest they stay up to date on those routine checkups... because you just never know.
I learned a lot going through that experience, but the most important thing I learned is that each time you go in for a routine mammogram, colonoscopy, etc. and get a clean bill of health, the peace of mind it provides is priceless.