Thursday, November 22, 2012

Breaking Tradition

Needless to say, Thanksgiving just wasn't going to be the same this year without Mitch, Heather, Nick, and Grandpa around.  Add in the fact that our anniversary just happened to fall on Thanksgiving , and it felt so wrong.   Nothing against Thanksgiving, because it really is one of my favorite holidays, I just didn't like the idea of spending it without so many of the people I love and having to slave away in the kitchen on my anniversary.  Thanksgiving is a holiday to be spent with people-lots of people.

So, instead of getting all depressed about it, I decided to solve the problem.  I figured if we didn't do all of the traditional things we usually do on Thanksgiving, then it wouldn't feel so lonely.

In that spirit of breaking tradition, Ray and I decided rather than cooking Thanksgiving dinner, we ought to just go out to eat.   So sometime in October I picked up the phone and made ourselves a reservation at one of the yummiest places I know.  Then I decided to look into a little holiday fun run/jog/walk, and before anyone had the chance to tell me no, I registered us for a Turkey Trot.   I justified it because it was a fundraiser for a good cause and I kind of liked the idea of getting moving before we stuffed ourselves later.


Apparantly I wasn't the only one with either of those ideas. There were close to 1000 people at the race and about the same at The Grand America.   Later in the day we headed to the movie theater and watched Lincoln.  So we did end up spending Thanksgiving with lots and lots of people.

It really was a wonderful day.  I think we should start a new tradition and break tradition by doing something out of the ordinary whenever our anniversary lands on Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I voted, I really did

I did not go to the polls today.  Instead I cast my ballot by mail a few weeks ago and it feels kind of strange.  Our county changed to mail only voting this election.  What is really strange about this is that it seems out here in the Basin we are usually a little behind the times.  Not this time.  Duchesne County is the FIRST in Utah to implement mail-in voting for all voters.  It's really strange to be first.

They say it will save our county thousands of dollars.  They say voter turn out will be much higher.  I say that's great. 

I didn't mind not voting in person because marking my ballot at home gave me a chance to look at the ballot a little more closely rather than getting to the booth and finding things on the ballot that I didn't even know we were voting for.  It happens.  I also didn't mind because it saved me some time that I would have spent standing in what probably would have been a very long line.

I am a little embarrassed to admit that I am sort of missing getting an "I Voted" sticker.  Maybe the county should enclose an "I Voted by Mail" sticker with the ballot when they mail them out next time.