Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Few Favorite Things

For the last few years at the end of December I reflect back and come up with some things that I discovered during the last twelve months that I love.  Here is my list of things for 2012...

City Creek-Whenever I go there I feel like I am stepping out of Utah.  There is an energy there (and in all of downtown) that I love.

Daily Closer to Christ Blog- Reading this blog lifts my spirits and inspires me to be better.

Spilling the Beans-A super healthy cookbook I bought at Costco.  It has made me a believer that you can make most anything with beans in it.

Quinoa-It's hard to describe, but I feel so healthy when I use it in a recipe.

Greek Yogurt-Another food I feel healthy eating and it's yummy!  Not the plain though, it needs honey or something to sweeten it up.

Clinique Chubby Sticks-Color and moisturizer all-in-one. Make-up usually doesn't excite me, but I have several of these. One in my purse, makeup bag, church bag, etc.

Downton Abbey-I don't remember how I heard about this show, but it's addicting.  I have even gotten Ray hooked.

Stone Ground Bakery- My friend told me about this bread store.  They sell overruns of the bread they make for restaurants for $2 a loaf!  In my opinion the best is their rustic sourdough, but you have to get there as soon as they open to get a loaf or it's gone.

Memory Grove-Being right in the city, yet not. A morning walk there is my favorite way to start the day.

Sur la table Cooking Classes (the ones taught by Lesli)-One of the best things I did all year!  Can't wait to do it again and take Heather or a friend.

Amazon Prime-Free two-day shipping! What's not to love?

Blue Lemon-Simple, but yummy.  It is our go to restaurant when we are in the city.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Steals and Deals

Years ago I prided myself on being a bargain shopper.  It was when we lived in Salt Lake, the land of good shopping.  I bought the kids' clothing out of season, when it was on clearance, and always got a good deal.  There was something satisfying about buying their clothes at Gymboree or Z.C.M.I. and paying so little.  Then we moved to Roosevelt, the land of no shopping, and I had to resign myself to the idea of having to pay full price for things when we were out in the city.  When I got a good deal on something it was mostly because I got lucky.

Things have changed a little for the better with online shopping and all, and occasionally I still find a good deal, but not like I used to.  Until last week...

I was in Macy's making a return from Christmas and while I was there I walked by the Christmas decorations.  As I slowed to see if there was something I couldn't live without, a clerk mentioned to me that everything was 90% off!  That caught my attention.  I had been planning to buy another tree, but didn't get around to it and really didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars on one before Christmas.  Seeing that they still had trees I decided to check it out.  Of course if you buy a tree you are going to need a tree skirt, decorations, etc.  About 20 minutes later I was headed out of the store with not one, but two (because Grandpa could really use a new one too), 7 1/2 foot prelit trees (originally priced $595), a tree skirt, and a ton of ornaments for a TOTAL of $121.  Not only were the decorations 90% off, but the morning I was there everything was another 15% off!  The bottom of my receipt showed this..
Can you say, "Almost free?"
Apparently, like mother like daughter.  A couple of days later I received an email from Heather with this picture of her purchase at Old Navy.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Why oh why?

There are days (usually in January) when I wonder why we live where we do.  Today was one of them...

People who live in warm places, like California, really have no idea...

Then I remember we live here because of the great people.  Otherwise no one in their right mind would want to live in a "Basin".