Saturday, September 28, 2013

Doorbell Ditching

Gotta love little kids.  We have the cutest neighbor kids.  They love to play outside, unlike a lot of kids these days.  The older boys are always out playing football, basketball, catch, or something else.  The younger ones love to ride their scooters, pick flowers, etc.  Often times we will find a little "present" on our doorstep from one of the little girls.  Sometimes it's a flower, or a dandelion with roots/dirt and all, or a picture that she colored.

One evening, Ray was home alone.  He heard our doorbell ring and when he went to answer it there was no one there, but there was a little folded up scrap of colored paper on the porch and he could hear some little girls over on the side or our house.  This is the note they left...

He thought he would have a little fun with them so he stood close to the door so he could open it and catch them when they came out from their hiding place.  When they did he opened the door and said, "Hey, are you girls ringing my doorbell?"  They giggled and said, "Yes" and then he said, "I'm not sure what this note says", and they responded, "Yes you do... it says you've been warned".  He said, "I've been warned?  Warned about what?  What does that mean?"  They didn't know how to respond so said, "Just a minute.  We'll get you another one".  They looked through their plastic bag full of colored notes and then picked this one.  As they handed it to him they said, "Here's a nice one"

Those cute little girls have no idea the chuckle we got out of this.

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