Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Happy Birthday

Today is President Thomas S. Monson's 85th birthday.  Ray and I were blessed to be able to attend a birthday celebration for him held at the conference center last weekend.   It was an evening of music and tributes celebrating his amazing life.

I heard it said recently, "When your heart speaks, take good notes".  So here are my "notes" from that evening:

Twice in the evening they quoted Scottish author James Matthew Barrie.  He said, "God gives us memories so that we might have June roses in the December of our lives."  I love that!  Although in Utah I think it should be the January, or February of our lives.

President Monson was described over and over again as one who has"touched hearts, come to the rescue and gone about doing good."

As I sat there that night, I thought back to a few years ago when President Monson was turning 81 years old and was interviewed by the Church News prior to his birthday. The reporter asked him what he would consider the ideal gift Church members could give him. He replied, "Find someone who is having a hard time, or is ill or lonely, and do something for him or her."

We all came away from that evening with a stronger testimony of our prophet and a desire to do just that.

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