Friday, April 19, 2013

Making our own Fun

Living in a small rural community you learn to make your own fun.  Ray was out of town this week at a golf tournament with some guys and I figured I should be having some girl fun.  So I started  the following message to a few friends:

Me: Anyone up for lunch this week?

That led to this:

S:  Yes

C:  Anytime Thursday would be great for me.

Me:  Thursday doesn't work for me.  How about Friday or today?  I could whip up something and we could all come to my house.

R:  I am on a 500 calorie a day diet.  No day is good for me unless I bring my own lunch and that wouldn't be fun.  Go ahead without me.  xo

S:  Why are you on a 500 calorie a day diet?  That doesn't seem good for you.  We don't have to do lunch.  We could get together and talk for a couple of hours.  We could have carrot sticks and celery to munch on.  Or not.  We can just sip lemon water.  The point is to get together.  Not eat.

Me:  I say we do something Friday.  Maybe if the weather warms up we could go for a stroll and visit.

R:  Friday is fine for me, just tell me when.  Maybe we could play Bridge, Cribbage, or Pinochle.  Does anyone know how?

Me:  Actually I know how to play all three. 

S:  Oh my gosh!  This would take us into our old age perfectly!  I played Pinochle once and it was really fun.  But I don't remember how...and we can sip herb tea in china cups and saucers.

C:  Plan it and I will come if I can.

Me:  Done.  Come to my house Friday at 1:00.  We can play cards, visit, eat celery, and drink water from goblets or china cups.

R:  I will bring my spice cinnamon herbal tea.

S:  And I will bring my lemon, grapefruit, and lime essential oils.  Can we maybe learn to play Pinochle?  That would be fun!  Should we wear hats and gloves?

Me:  Hats and gloves are optional, just wear your "Roosevelt best" and don't be late!

So I spent this afternoon not having lunch, but playing Pinochle and laughing with my friends.  I am betting we had every bit as much fun as Ray and the guys did playing golf. 

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