Sunday, February 9, 2014

Counting Down

I have never been one to count down to things.  To me counting down seems to make time pass slower.

When Ray left on his mission I remember a lot of girls with a missionary having countdown calendars where they would fill in a little dot for each day until the missionary returned.  That would have made me crazy to have to fill in 730 dots, so I didn't do it. 

I have also seen clever little blocks where you turn the blocks to the number showing how many weeks left.  Not a real fan of that either.  When you remind yourself it's 100+ weeks, that's just depressing.

With my sons though I am guilty of counting the Fast Sundays (there are only four left) and I have always counted how many general conferences (just one left)-I especially like that one because you can count it on one hand.

Awhile ago I saw an idea online that I really like.  That is to read the Doctrine & Covenants backwards as a countdown of sorts for a missionary coming home.  The other day I checked how long it is until Mitch returns and to my surprise found if I am going to do that I need to start NOW!

I can now say his mission has really gone by quickly.

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