Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No Pain, No Gain!

For some time now Ray has been trying to get me to workout with him doing P90X, a 90 day video workout program that he has actually completed a few times. A few of days ago I relented, decided to humor him, and did the legs and back workout. He warned me not to do too much or I’d be sorry. I thought I listened because I was extra cautious and did a modified/wimpy version of what he was doing so that I didn’t hurt myself. I even thought to myself when we finished, "that wasn’t so bad". The next morning when I woke up I was certainly feeling it. My legs were so sore that I could barely walk up or down stairs, and sitting down on the toilet was excruciating. (I am sure that was way more than you need/want to know about) I was in pain!

But it was a good pain. An I really want to get in shape, and this really might work kind of pain. Now that a couple of days have gone by, I did it again…this time with a friend. It's a 90 day program, 2 days down, 88 to go...

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