Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rest & Relaxation

Ray and I just returned from a week in Mexico where we stayed at an incredible adult’s only all-inclusive resort. The weather was perfect, the food was delicious, and we did absolutely nothing all week. Seriously... no ruins, no shopping, no swimming, no sightseeing whatsoever. We took only one photo all week and it wasn't even on the beach, but sitting on the edge of the bathtub in our hotel room!

Some may say traveling that far and doing nothing is lame. The last time we were that lazy on vacation was 28 years ago on our honeymoon! ;)

So when we came through customs and the officer who stamped our passport could see we declared that we had not made any purchases while there, he commented and asked what we had done. We smiled and replied, “Nothing.”

Lame? Probably, but it sure was fun!

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